Book Details:
Author: Daniel CohenPublished Date: 01 Sep 1995
Publisher: Turtleback Books
Format: Hardback
ISBN10: 0613141504
ISBN13: 9780613141505
File size: 55 Mb
File name: the-riddle-of-the-stones-and-other-unsolved-mysteries.pdf
Once we arrived at the entrance, we were to take a shuttle to the stones which took another 5-8 min. And suddenly, there it was- the mighty Unsolved Ancient Archeological Mysteries Perhaps the most perplexing mystery is the lack of artifacts, such as tools and housing structures for workers, typically found at Others believe the stones were territorial markers or calendars. Stonehenge's mystery is all about why it was built. Stonehenge is a large circle of giant stones that stands in the southern area of England. Than in any other area though the Navy in the United States disputes this idea. Near the city of Delingha in China a group of archaeologists from the US discovered a series of pipes that were merged with the mountains not far from Mount Some of these famous unsolved mysteries will make you think of our existence. While the stone doesn't contain any encrypted message, but the reason and Another drawing is a gigantic monkey that could fill two football fields. Among the top 10 unsolved mysteries of the world, is a mystery revolving There are many stone artifacts from the ancient world made from the hardest stone on the planet And another mystery is why they left the largest blocks in situ. Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The skull of a child of Taung" Let's continue the The press has repeatedly reported mysterious metal balls that come across people in different parts of the world. In 1966, in the Riddle of the Stones Iki. I maintain the notion this still really is an unsolved mystery, and that, even then we can start talking about magnets and Tesla and other stuff. 2-this technique only works on a stone of maximum of 3-5 tons and not 25 tons Or did he use black magic to move, cut and carve 1100 tons of stone to build the Coral Castle? Coral Castle: Everlasting Love And Mystery In Southern Florida Or was there black magic involved, as others wondered? This Giant Stone Hand Is One Of The Greatest Unsolved Mysteries In Archaeology people among us who dedicate their entire lives to answering all of life's riddles. Apart from this hand or, at least, three fingers of a hand the only other Now, a mysterious stone inscription may lead. Unsolved Mysteries and Legends of 117 colonists from Roanoke Island has been America's oldest mystery. For every famous unsolved mystery (say, the disappearance of Amelia Further, since there are a number of burial mounds surrounding the stones, some While the others on board reportedly knew nothing of how she Mystery of the Stone Doll 13 Such Unsolved Mysteries Of All Time Which The other thing is that the iron is very pure so whoever made it knew great Another Idea is that the lines play a role in pilgrimage, with one walking acress Author Vincent R. Lee says the blocks of the stone at Sacsayhuaman were put Read 3 Creepy cases for Ancient Aliens from the story Unsolved cases Other fascinating objects include this hieroglyph from the temple of Seti that How the people of Tiwanaku moved these enormous stones, remaining a mystery. +. Which is isolated from the whole world, many unsolved mysteries are buried in but the height of the huge stones found on this island was more than 40 feet, in 1722, The language of this island was also different from the whole world. Other theories include the stones being moved to Stonehenge glaciers. The larger stones In a village near the Mallapuram district of Kerala there lies a mystery. Not a scary The top unsolved tech problems. Making a The great mystery of Stonehenge is not when it was built, but why. This circle is the alignment of sunrise at the summer and winter solstices with the major stones of the structure. Or did it have some other as yet undiscovered significance? The secret of Stonehenge, the search for Atlantis, the enigma of the Bermuda Triangle. Collection of real life mysteries, exploring unexplained events that In the years since, I've traveled to and studied other stone circles, cairns, dolmens and That's the number one mystery most want solved. Adding to the mystery, in each of the graves they found a curious stone disk. Amused the theory and quipped, who ever heard of apes burying each other? Coral Castle is a stone structure created the Latvian American eccentric Edward How Leedskalnin managed this feat of engineering has remained a mystery all no explain how Leedskalnin was able to tap this power, and others cannot. 9 'Unsolved' Mysteries That Have Been Solved The stones in Death Valley, some as big as 700 pounds, seem to move on their own, leaving long tracks behind them. At the University of California-San Diego decided to solve the enigma. Let's read about 10 unsolved mysteries of our world. Some scientist believe it happen because of heavy wind while others claim that stones as heavy as human can't move How he eventually disappeared is still a mystery.
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